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As a result of the members decision to enter into a plan of dissolution in 2021 and because of the transfer of the park, common areas and ponds in Las Maravillas in late 2023,  Effective January 1, 2024, Valley Improvement Association, Inc, will no longer impose an annual assessment on properties that were subject to an annual assessment by virtue of either an indenture or the overlaying covenants for specific communities.  Valley Improvement Association, Inc. no longer owns properties which are for the benefit for the community, therefore, VIA has no common area properties to maintain and will no longer be responsible for maintenance or upkeep of areas in resident communities, this will be the responsibility of the residents themselves. Any balances due as of 12/31/2023 remain in place and the original lien that has been imposed on the properties, remain in force until the payment has been satisfied. VIA will no longer generate annual assessment billings going forward.
Copies of overlying Covenants and Restrictions for Las Maravillas Unit I, Pasitos Del Cielo, Rio Del Oro and Canyon Del Rio may be obtained on this web site and as an owner of properties in the given communities, it is the owners right to enforce the covenants going forward as VIA will no longer be responsible for this action. 
VIA continues to work through the plan including but not limited to the transfer of other properties as outlined in the plan. 


© 2021 Valley Improvement Association 

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